After a long Winter Springtime forces are starting to stir. In us and around us.

'Winds of Change' are blowing. The urge to move is strong. Maybe in a new direction. If we've been thinking of turning over a new leaf, now's the time.

And yet.

Getting going can be tricky. Spring comes with blustery fits and starts. Our vision of where we're going is often unclear. Or blocked. Frustrating tangles come with the territory come Spring.

These classes will present Medicinal Movement and Meditation Practices (aka 'Qi Gong') to help us flex and flow with the forces of Spring. We'll turn and toss, push hands like a warrior and flex limbs like a dragon. Ancient tried and true practices anyone can do.

These simple Qi Gong practices can help us get past common barriers to make the most of the healing gifts of Spring. They free our Liver to cut loose lingering toxins and bad habits. So this Spring we can really clarify our goals, take steps in their direction AND clear out whatever doesn't serve.

Three one hour classes, starting the first week of March. Video classes, available at your convenience, each for one entire week. One optional online interactive class: 11 am til noon on Thursday, March 21, the Spring Equinox.

This is part of a year-long cycle of seasonal Qi Gong classes called Healing with the Seasons. Prior classes are not required to benefit from classes of any one season. Beginners are welcome.

PDA's are available for Acupuncturists. These time honored practices are easy to share with clients remotely or to support their in-person treatments.




You can also visit

for more information about

Healing with the Seasons or

to contact the instructor, Cynthia Zanti Jabs, L.Ac

Meet Your Instructor:

Cynthia 'Zanti' Jabs has taught Qi Gong to students and clients for decades. She started teaching online last Summer.

"I love how these tools gently undo symptoms of body, mind and spirit.' Working WITH the laws of nature can unlock our capacity to heal, even with chronic illness and old injuries.

"My specialty is identifying simple practices to support a clients' healing - 'DIY Acupuncture!' This extends the benefits of acupuncture - and makes remote consults more effective.

"Healing is not just about relieving symptoms. Needles, words, music, movement, all of these help us reclaim who we're here to be. Our symptoms guide us - and fade along the way.

"Asian Healing Arts let us unfold the gifts of each season in turn. As we reconnect with natural cycles we can focus on specifics without losing sight of the whole."

Zanti has taught acupuncture students (MUIH) medical students (JHUSM), doctors, clients and beginners. She is nationally certified (NCCAOM) to teach credit courses for acupuncturists. 

Her acupuncture practice is based at where you can read her blog "Healing with the Seasons."