Ever find your thoughts going in circles? Or like your feet aren't finding solid ground? Need a bit more of the sweetness of life?

I have a treat for you: A short teaching video of a beloved Qi Gong practice, one that helps us draw in the earthy energy of the Harvest Season. It’s a free 20-minute class that includes a Late Summer meditation and one simple ‘Medicinal Movement’ practice. Both remind us how to tap into the generosity of Mother Earth. So grounding! And it can help us process our food, thoughts and experience

I invite you to be my guest and try out this 'First Step’ practice with the link below. Your feet and stomach will thank you! This self-care practice is a classic that helps us replenish our Qi as we walk - wherever our path takes us! It’s also famous for improving digestion, clearing phlegm, reducing swelling and and regulating appetite.

Note to Practitioners: Think of this is a DIY St36 Tx!

This clip comes from the 'Healing with the Seasons,' series of QI Gong classes. Each Season, Cynthia Zanti Jabs, L.Ac. presents three weekly classes of simple meditative movement practices known as Qi Gong. She chooses favorite practices to support organs and functions associated with the upcoming Season. This clip is from the Late Summer/Harvest Season class.

These practices are easy to learn and can be done anytime by just about anyone. They are easiest to learn in their season but their benefits show up in every season

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